Differentiate Yourself Through Online Law Firm Marketing

Marketing your law firm on the internet is an essential task for any estate planning attorney. Unfortunately, most lawyers feel incapable of using technology to its full potential. While you might not want to learn every cutting edge technique out there, neither does your competition! By putting in the extra effort to market your services on the internet you can quickly stand out in the crowd and establish yourself as the top estate planning lawyer in your city.

Here are four easy law firm marketing methods for differentiating yourself and turning prospects into clients in record time:

1)      Create a Blog: People do business with those they know, like, and trust. As an estate planning lawyer, you can create and build relationships with your prospects by blogging on a regular basis. Your blog will not only allow you to deliver valuable content to your prospects, but it will also help you network with a community of colleagues. Blogs are a vital law firm marketing strategy for differentiating yourself online.

2)      Follow the Crowd: Thousands of your prospects are using the internet on a daily basis to discuss estate planning! One of the best ways to differentiate yourself from other lawyers in your city is to make yourself visible on the internet. You should take part in online message boards, comment on other blogs, and build relationships with your prospects in every way possible.

3)      Publish a Newsletter: One of the best ways to stand apart from your competition is to stay in contact with your prospects on a regular basis. By giving away a free e-newsletter that is loaded with great estate planning tips and advice, you will establish yourself as an expert attorney in your prospects’ minds.

4)      Update Your Website: Another great way to differentiate yourself on the internet is to update your estate planning website. Web design, graphics, video, and professional copywriting can go a long way in branding your services and boosting your law firm marketing.

Although these strategies might seem foreign to you, they’ll soon become a natural fit when they’re increasing your conversion rates exponentially and helping you differentiate yourself online.

There are many strategies in law firm marketing that can be costly or time consuming, but all four of these strategies are extremely affordable. While they might take a while to start up, the value is well worth the wait. By presenting yourself in a professional manner on the internet, you’ll reach a whole new audience that is begging for an expert.

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